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Success stories from our students

Our students inspire us by their courage and perseverance and are a reminder that obstacles can be overcome when you have just one person cheering you on to the finish line.

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Build quantitative skills in math, science, and computer science with fun and challenging interactive explorations.
“I’ve learned a positively immeasurable amount of things from Timbaland and Natalie Portman. It gave me this sense of possibility. Like I can actually do it. I can get a Billboard hit single, and it’s not that far away.”

Joseph Hanson

Joseph Hanson
“I’ve watched 36 MasterClasses by tuning in while I’m in the bathroom, eating, and doing chores around the house. MasterClass teaches us how to live–with passion, grit, humility, and with a process that makes our life journeys something to savor instead.”

Henrey Sandra

Henrey Sandra
“I was about to give up on my dreams when I started Hans Zimmer’s class. It was like someone gave me a slap in the face. He said, “are you wasting your life or are you not wasting your life? And that’s when I realized. I dont want to waste another minute of it.”

André Klapper

André Klapper
“As I traveled around Africa, I was compelled to tell the stories of the people and places I encountered through film. But I had no resources. I enrolled in Ken Burns’ class, and his words ignited a fire in me. I immediately started creating and stopped waiting.”

Elmira Strange

Elmira Strange

“I completed my Nanodegree program, and got a promotion at AT&T”

Anthony Mark

AT& T, Orthodox Union

” My first thought about taking this course… why didn’t I do it earlier. Totally unfamiliar with Photoshop, barely knowing how to upload a photo and do a little retouching. This course was an experience that opened my eyes. I want to focus my attention on illustration and logo design and now I have a solid foundation thanks to Cristian. I can’t wait to start the next course! ”
John Smith
John SmithStudent’s
” My first thought about taking this course… why didn’t I do it earlier. Totally unfamiliar with Photoshop, barely knowing how to upload a photo and do a little retouching. This course was an experience that opened my eyes. I want to focus my attention on illustration and logo design and now I have a solid foundation thanks to Cristian. I can’t wait to start the next course! ”
Daniel B. Smith
Daniel B. SmithStudent’s
” My first thought about taking this course… why didn’t I do it earlier. Totally unfamiliar with Photoshop, barely knowing how to upload a photo and do a little retouching. This course was an experience that opened my eyes. I want to focus my attention on illustration and logo design and now I have a solid foundation thanks to Cristian. I can’t wait to start the next course! ”
Maria Ustinova
Maria UstinovaStudent’s
Mariana B.
Mariana B.@mariana-be Read More
@Mclass_ The Level was right for me. I learned new thing too and could check my Network behevier imediately. #EffectiveNetworking
Harvey Hughes
Harvey Hughes@harvey_hug Read More
Joining @Mclass_ has been the best investment I have made in my coding journey. Amazing team and community! #SimpleCoding
Robert Willmas
Robert Willmas@robert_will Read More
Content well thought through and easy to follow. Adrian’s explanations and examples. Looking forward to doing the follow up course. #SimpleCoding
Finley Parkes
Finley Parkes@finley_parkes Read More
Loving the @Mclass_ coding course! Dreamt about coding all night and I’ll be back at it this evening! Can’t wait!! #CodeNewbie

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More student success stories

Enabling customer experience as a business discipline

Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print and publishing industries.

Engage & scale: CEMEX University’s digital ecosystem

Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print and publishing industries.

The power of virtual learning: The MyPath experience

Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print and publishing industries.

Darden teaches design thinking on to MasterClass

Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print and publishing industries.

Customer story

Inspiring discovery through creativity.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqun enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip commodo consequat.
” My first thought about taking this course… why didn’t I do it earlier. Totally unfamiliar with Photoshop, barely knowing how to upload a photo and do a little retouching. This course was an experience that opened my eyes. I want to focus my attention on illustration and logo design and now I have a solid foundation thanks to Cristian. I can’t wait to start the next course! ”
John Smith
John SmithStudent’s
” My first thought about taking this course… why didn’t I do it earlier. Totally unfamiliar with Photoshop, barely knowing how to upload a photo and do a little retouching. This course was an experience that opened my eyes. I want to focus my attention on illustration and logo design and now I have a solid foundation thanks to Cristian. I can’t wait to start the next course! ”
Daniel B. Smith
Daniel B. SmithStudent’s
” My first thought about taking this course… why didn’t I do it earlier. Totally unfamiliar with Photoshop, barely knowing how to upload a photo and do a little retouching. This course was an experience that opened my eyes. I want to focus my attention on illustration and logo design and now I have a solid foundation thanks to Cristian. I can’t wait to start the next course! ”
Maria Ustinova
Maria UstinovaStudent’s


Excellent course – well worth it.

“Masterclass gave me the tools to advance my career—I am now spearheading a machine learning research team at my company.”

D. Maria Lopez

Orthodox Union

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